“Why do you say that urinating in an open and public place is a problem? I can understand defecation in open creates health problems but urine is primarily water and urea as we know and it dries and seeps in the ground. So why not?”
Many of us have these similar questions in our minds and the answer to such an argument is simple. In urban, rural, or any other scenario, the volume of need to urinate is very large. Because of social pressures and security reasons, women embrace to hold on till they get a private place to use but, men, due to the anatomical advantage, do not refrain. Once you start urinating in a place, it becomes a place designated to urinate. The urine streaks keep on flowing around till they dry.
Some common observations :
It’s not a pleasant site for the people passing by to see someone urinating in the open.
The urine mixes with dirt and dust to form a muddy place and starts spreading around creating a marshy island.
The area becomes breeding ground for bacteria and flies.
You walk over to use the same places and toil your shoe soles with the dirt to bring it in to your vehicle, homes and offices.
The urine flowing on the wall and ground does not have a definite path to flow so it spreads across anywhere it can flow.

Providing a urinal in a public place can be very complex. Challenges like plumbing connection for water flushing, Drainage system, etc adds to the complexity.
Zerodor powered Waterless Urinal Kiosks handle all these challenges and complexities in a very simple and natural way.
These Kiosks do not need a load-bearing structure and can be made out of Bamboo walls, low-weight outdoor material like MoTo panels with square bar frames, honeycomb structure and plenty of other locally available sustainable materials. The use of these materials makes the construction simple and modular and reduces the time to construct these urinals. The lightweight and modular nature of these structures facilitate the ease of handling and transportation.
These Kiosks are fitted with the innovative Zerodor mechanisms which make them odour free and water free which in turn eliminates the need for any water flushing connections. The urine from these Waterless Urinals can also be collected and injected to the roots of the plants nearby these structures. This process takes care of the disposal of urine and are very much suitable for places where it is difficult to have the provision of drainage lines.